AWC/2007010580902/October 2010
AWC/2007010580901/September 2010
Employees of the firm's securities lending department knowingly made false entries into the firm’s system indicating that finders had been used to locate securities or counterparties when in fact the finders had performed no legitimate services. The Firm made payments to those purported finders and the finders subsequently paid a portion of their ill-gotten payments directly to the firm employees who made the finder entries into the firm’s system. These employees were indicted for their activities and pled guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, and another firm employee also caused the firm to pay finders in transactions for which he knew or should have known that the finders performed no services, but he was not criminally charged.
The Firm’s written procedures and guidelines addressing the firm’s use of finders were inadequate and that, while the firm’s procedures required a supervisor to review securities lending transactions on a daily basis, the procedures did not provide guidance to supervisors who assumed that responsibility; the procedures did not instruct the stock loan supervisors as to what they were to look for in reviewing transaction reports, how to determine what stock loan activity, including rates, was to be flagged as suspicious, how they were to review documents, how to maintain documentation of the reviews, or how they were to follow up on any suspicious activity they discovered. The Firm kept insufficient documentary evidence to establish that a supervisor adequately reviewed the firm’s securities lending activities.
Also, the Firm had no written procedures requiring supervisory review of electronic communications or addressing how the supervisor of the securities lending department should review employees’ communications with other employees, counterparties or finders.
In addition, the Firm created and maintained books and records that inaccurately reflected that finders had participated in stock loan transactions and were paid for services rendered when, in certain instances, finders had not performed any function relating to the transactions and had not rendered services to justify the payments. Moreover, the Firm failed to retain, as required, email sent and received via its primary corporate email system and an additional email system and failed to retain, as required, electronic communications using an instant messaging system.
- 529 College Savings Plan
- Abandoned Accounts
- Algorithmic Trading
- Altered Customer Phone Records
- Annual Compliance Certification
- Annual Compliance Meeting
- Annuity
- Asset Purchase Agreement
- Away Accounts
- Background
- Bank
- Banks
- Beneficiary
- Best Efforts Offering
- Blackjack
- Borrowed
- Borrowing
- Breakpoint
- Casino
- CE
- Changes Of Address
- Check
- Check Kiting
- Checks
- Commodity Futures
- Commodity Pool
- Communications
- Computers
- Confidential Customer Information
- Contingency Offering
- Continuing Education
- Conversion
- Conviction
- Cooperation Agreement
- Correspondence
- Credit Cards
- Currency
- Day Trading
- Deceased
- Delivery Instructions
- Discretion
- Do Not Call
- Elderly
- Electronic Communications
- Electronic Storage
- Embezzled
- Escheat
- Escrow
- Estate
- Expenses
- False Proof Of Insurance
- False Statements
- Fax
- Federal Appeal
- Felony
- Finder Fees
- Finder\\\'s Fees
- Fingerprints
- Firm Committment Offering
- Forgery
- Freely-Tradable
- Futures
- Gifts
- Guaranteeing Against Losses
- Hedge Fund
- Impersonation
- Inspections
- Instant Messaging
- Insurance
- Internet
- Investment Advisor
- Letter Of Credit
- Life Insurance
- Living Trust
- Loan
- Log On IDs
- Margin
- Mark-Up Mark-Down
- Material Change Of Business
- Membership Agreement
- Minimum Contingency
- Modification Of Sanctions
- Money Laundering
- Mutual Fund
- Mutual Funds
- Net Capital
- Notary
- Notice Of Levy
- Operations Manager
- Options
- Orders
- Outside Accounts
- Passwords
- Payphones
- Policy Lapse
- Ponzi
- Power Of Attorney
- Pre-arranged Trading.
- Private Placement
- Private Securities Transaction
- Producing Manager
- Production Quota
- Promissory Notes
- Proprietary Traders
- Public Appearances
- Qualified Domestic Relations Order
- Radio
- Regulation S-P
- Research
- Restitution
- Scripts
- Signature
- Solicited
- Statutory Disqualification
- Suitability
- Supervision
- Supervisory System
- Surrender Charge
- Surrender Charges
- Suspense Account
- Taping Rule
- Telemarketing
- Television
- Term Life
- Testing
- Third Party Vendor
- Time & Price Discretion
- Trading Limits
- Trading Volume
- Trust Account
- Turnover
- Two Party Consent
- U.S. Treasuries
- Unclaimed Funds
- Universal Lease Programs
- Unregistered Office
- Unregistered Person
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- Unregistered RRs
- Unregistered Securities
- Unregistered Supervisor
- Variable Annuity
- Variable Insurance
- Website
- Willfully
- Zero Coupon