AWC/2009018240001/June 2011
AWC/2009018919701/March 2011
Jefferies signed or traced customers’ signatures on applications to purchase life insurance or critical care insurance through an electronic application system available at his member firm, without the customers’ knowledge or consent and contrary to firm policy. Jefferies submitted life insurance applications for fictitious customers and, along with creating fictitious customer names and addresses, he created fictitious social security numbers, driver’s license numbers and other information about the purported customers. Jefferies submitted these applications for fictitious customers in order to give the appearance that he was meeting his required production for insurance policies sold. When Jefferies submitted each of the fictitious applications, he listed fictitious credit card numbers made up of all zeros for the initial premium payment, knowing that the credit card would be rejected with no payment being collected or the customers billed, while at the same time, his firm would give him immediate credit for submitting a new insurance policy.
When questioned by his manager about the applications, Jefferies initially denied having any knowledge of the practice and when later pressured by his manager, he then offered that newer agents may have been engaged in the activity. Only after his manager noted that almost all of the applications with zeros for credit card numbers were submitted from his office that Jefferies admitted to his misconduct, stating he did so because the applications would be credited to his production numbers more promptly that month. In addition, Jefferies also admitted that he had submitted applications using fictitious names and other information.
AWC/2010022635301/February 2011
- Accredited Investor
- Affirmative Determination
- Annual Compliance Certification
- Annual Compliance Meeting
- Annuities
- Annuity
- Appeal
- Away Accounts
- Bank
- Bankruptcy
- Banks
- Best Efforts Offering
- Blank Forms
- Borrowed
- Borrowing
- Broadcast
- Campaign Contributions
- CDs
- Check
- Check Kiting
- Checks
- Churning
- Clearing Agreement
- Commissions
- Communications
- Computers
- Concentration
- Confidential Customer Information
- Contingency Offering
- Continuing Education
- Conversion
- Corporate Credit Card
- Correspondence
- Credit Cards
- Customer Protection Rule
- Debit Card
- Deceased
- Discretion
- Do Not Call
- Due Diligence
- Elderly
- Electronic Communications
- Electronic Storage
- Embezzled
- Escrow
- Estate
- Expenses
- Expulsion
- False Statements
- Felony
- Finder Fees
- Foreign Language
- Forgery
- Form ADV
- Freely-Tradable
- Futures
- Gifts
- Guaranteeing Against Losses
- Hedge Fund
- Heightened Supervision
- Impersonation
- Insider Trading
- Inspections
- Installment Plan Contracts
- Instant Messaging
- Insurance
- Internet
- Investment Advisor
- Joint Account
- Life Insurance
- Loan
- Loaning
- Margin
- Mark-Up Mark-Down
- Material Change Of Business
- Membership Agreement
- Minimum Contingency
- Money Laundering
- Mortgage
- Mutual Funds
- Net Capital
- Options
- Outside Accounts
- Outside Business Activities
- Parking
- Ponzi
- Power Of Attorney
- Private Placement
- Private Securities Transaction
- Producing Manager
- Production Quota
- Promissory Notes
- Proprietary Traders
- Public Appearances
- Referral Fees
- Reg D
- Reg U
- Regulation 60
- Regulation S-P
- Research
- Reverse Mortgage
- Rule 8210
- Scripts
- Shadowing
- Sharing Profits
- Signature
- Solicited
- Statutory Disqualification
- Stock To Cash
- Suitability
- Supervision
- Supervisory System
- Suspense Account
- Testing
- Third Party Vendor
- Time And Price Discretion
- Trading
- Trading Limits
- Trading Volume
- Trust Account
- Trustee
- U.S. Treasuries
- Unauthorized Transaction
- Universal Lease Programs
- Unregistered Person
- Unregistered Principal
- Unregistered RRs
- Unregistered Securities
- Unregistered Supervisor
- Variable Annuity
- Variable Insurance
- Viaticals
- Website
- Willfully
- WSPs